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Pictures and Words is all about poems and pictures. We have worked hard to bring you this part of the site. We hope you enjoy this page. Explore and have fun!-Katie&Pictures and Words

I must go down to the seas again,to the lonely sea and the sky,And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,And a grey mist on the sea's face and a grey dawn breaking.-John Masefield

 "Build me straight, O worthy Master!  Stanch and strong, a goodly vessel,That shall laugh at all disaster,  And with wave and whirlwind wrestle!"-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Interview With Mark Wallace

May 4, 2009
Today we went back to Mackerel Cove to clean up some more trash. Can you believe we cleaned 1,840 pounds of trash off the beach?!  It's really sad to see all that trash. I hope all of you help us from now on.

When we got to the transfer station to drop off the three pick-up loads of trash, we met Mark Wallace, the town selectman.  I interviewed him and here is an excerpt from the interview:

Me:  What are the kinds of things that you would mostly see?

Mark Wallas:  Rope, Lobster traps, scraps from boats...such as metal...cardboard....and other fishing related scraps.

Me:Do you think some of the fishermen there do dump their trash on purpose? 

Mark Wallas: They know when it falls off their boat. Maybe they do it on purpose but I doubt they do. Some of them might very well, though.

Me:Do you think when other fishermen see other fisherman's trash in the ocean they try to pick it up?

Mark Wallas: Most of the stuff doesn't drift ashore. The metal materials? The Fisherman bring it ashore and leave it there.

Here's a quote from Mark Wallas that I really liked :

"Why are grown men dumping this all on the kids to clean? They should all be ashamed of themselves."

Also contact Jim Hayes the harbor master at Mackerel Cove if you see anyone dumping trash there.

Thank you -Katie

Mark Wallace , Harpswell Selectman, pointing to some of the trash collected from Mackerel Cove.

Pollution Poem
by Azaria
Crashing waves into mossy rocks
Lobster boats temporarily blocked
Trash littering the sandy beach
Though most even we can't reach
Walking through the rain with tears
As we watch it disappear
Future time is growing near
Every day it's only less cheer
The beach will grow worse still
You'll see it fade until it's no more
Some are watching without will
The sand will hide behind the glass
Trash'll cover it all with a mask
Sons and daughters will know nothing of it
How amazing it was even at its ends with it
What can we do?

When and how?
Is there anyway to do it?
We need to act now
Everyday, it just gets worse

Someone's just bound to burst

Here are some student reflections about our work at Mackerel Cove

“We’re actually doing something that can help the environment.” – Lauren

“We’re going to help out other people by educating others about Mackerel Cove. I know that we will make Mackerel Cove a very beautiful and magical place for others.” – Fallon

“Finding a piece of history from Harpswell, Maine.” – Ian

“I will remember the fun we had as a group.” – Nick

“I will remember what it is likes to really take hold of an important community issue(s) and research to help inform others.” – Alice

“If you try hard enough you can get along with anyone.” - Sarah

“I’ll remember all the work that, as a whole, 7 South put into this and that most of us actually believe in it.” Azaria

“It was good that we got to go out and actually clean instead of learning in a classroom that we SHOULD clean.” Brittany

“It was just really cool to be able to help out a with a community.” Katelyn

“I’ll remember how much we did to keep Mackerel Cove clean.” – Kristen

“How could I forget my poem got changed to a song by a famous singer. …We are helping saving a beach and we are working together sooooooooooo much.” – Samantha

“I will remember how much trash we picked up and how beautiful the cove was after we cleaned it.” – Claudia

“I will remember how we all worked hard to make a difference at Mackerel Cove.” – Emma

“You can accomplish a lot if you work as a team. I had fun doing this.” Griffin

People in my group. Naomi, Sammi, Claudia, Britt, Kristen,
Chris and Azie.