
Before and After Pictures

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William Black

William Black was a black man who was married to a white woman which at the time was illegal, or very taboo.  He and his wife lived on the island for 20 years in a log cabin overlooking Mackerel Cove, and under the ancient law of “squatter’s rights” legally owned the island. So he registered at the Harpswell court and the Island became known as Will’s Island.

In 1742 Hannah Curtis married Timothy Bailey, and together they were quite rich.  She wanted Will’s Island for her new home, so she took possession from Will for one pound of tobacco and one gallon of rum.  After that the island was called Bailey Island. Will Black felt intimidated by the Baileys so he packed up and left for Orr’s Island over the narrow strait connecting the two islands. The straight is still known as Will’s Straight or Will’s Gut.William Black was a black man who was married to a white woman which at the time was illegal, or very taboo.  He and his wife lived on the island for 20 years in a log cabin overlooking Mackerel Cove, and under the ancient law of “squatter’s rights” legally owned the island. So he registered at the Harpswell court and the Island became known as Will’s Island.

By Alice and Sierra

Tuna Tournament

The Tuna Tournament started 72 years ago in 1938.  It is held in Garrison Cove in front of Cook’s Lobster House.  There are two different methods of catching these fish, rod and reel, or harpoon.  Harpoon is harder because you have to throw it at the fish when it comes to the surface.  Timing is very important. 

    The Tuna Tournament is a week long tournament that starts in the third week in July. The first meeting is on a Sunday and the weighing of the fish is on the following Saturday.  The tournament has changed its name from the Bailey Island Tuna Tournament  to the Bailey Island Fishing Tournament,  after there was a shortage of tuna in the bay.  Now, the contestants fish for a large variety of fish, including different types of sharks, tuna, sea turtle, and other fish. 

    The biggest tuna ever caught was 800+ pounds.  The average weight of a blue fin tuna is 550 pounds.  The average life span of a tuna is 15 years.  The blue fin tuna is an endangered species and should be protected. 

    We think that in the future the tuna will repopulate and the tournament will become even more popular.

By Nick and Jake


Smugglers and Scalawags

Over the past few weeks, we have been studying Mackerel Cove and its surrounding area. I’ve switched my focus a lot these past weeks and I have finally found something I am interested in, illegal activity. For a few weeks I’ve been trying to find something interesting but sadly, I’ve failed. I’ve found one thing that might make up for all those failed times. Rum Runners. These Rum Runners were in Maine, but not so close to Mackerel Cove.
In the time of the Rum Runners, alcohol was banned from any other purpose than medicinal, sacramental, art, trade and manufacturing. Any other uses than that were not allowed. People were…upset with this so they began “rum running.” Young men from Canada would supply the manpower, the running. The Rum came from Halifax to Lunenburg, Nova Scotia and it could be purchased for as little as forty cents and it was sold for four dollars on the black market.
    The area where they would hide the liquor, Nova Scotia, was heavily wooded and had many small islands for hiding. Not a single person could and can ever estimate the thousands of gallons and the value of money of the contraband and resold along the eastern seaboard of Canada and the US during the 1920’s and 30’s.
    Rum running began to end when the 21st Amendment of the U.S.A on December 5, 1933. The very first liquor stores in Nova Scotia were being opened and stayed open for a long time. Rum running remained in business but then died when World War|| broke out.

By Fallon

Group members: Alice, Jake, Nick, Ian, Fallon, Bailey, Haley, and Sierra